Feb 08

McLaren’s Game


Feb 08

Sound Tennis (first serve)


Feb 08

Cupcake Tears

“The internet is being SOOOO awesome today. Remembering why I love it so much. <3. So glad stupidity is a renewable resource." - M. Monteiro

Feb 08

Working Class Literature

What to do on a Saturday night when the family’s asleep and you can’t be arsed to start watching a movie, read a book or tackle the mountain of magazines? Why, goof around with sound, of course.

Feb 08

What Narrative?

For a number of years now, I’ve been into the concept of sound art and electronics, but never had the cash and space for an ARP 2600, nor a computer science/music theory degree to land myself a government grant. Although, I’ve recently acquired a Korg Kaossilator (a fabulous little dynamic phrase synthesizer) which, for all intents and purposes, will now serve as my main musical device until I can get some decent Max/MSP chops happening.

May I present: