The estimable Bob Ostertag has started a Flickr group in support of Muntadhar al-Zeidi called Throw My Shoes Too! Grab a pair and pose for your iSight.
The estimable Bob Ostertag has started a Flickr group in support of Muntadhar al-Zeidi called Throw My Shoes Too! Grab a pair and pose for your iSight.
what a stupid group that is…. gee, don’t you guys have anything better to do? pffffft… get a life!
Wow! Have I got a pair o’ size 10s for you, my friend. =)
Yeah, thats the world I want to live in.. We all throw shoes at people we don’t like!! pffft…. Ill leave my shoes on my feet where they belong….
with all due respect, isn’t encouraging that kind of behavior best left to children??
I’d rather shoes than bullets and bombs flying. And it’s not like they were being thrown at some nobody. JFC.
well, im shootin for nothing being thrown at anyone… Ill leave you to your shoe throwing world…. take care.
ok, so looking back now I see I was an asshole, bad morning I guess… sorry! however, I just think we are being like fuckhead Bush by resorting to violence everytime we disagree with something… its sad IMO.. again, I apologize for my initial comment. -jett-
The gesture is symbolic. The shoes weren’t meant for anyone but him. I wouldn’t ACTUALLY throw my shoes at anyone. No worries, man.
“The gesture is symbolic” understood, and of course, never meant to imply in any way you or anyone in that group would actually throw shoes or anything else….
its hailing the asshole who threw his shoes(or anything) at someone as a hero that bothers me… The reason or the person is irrelevant, its the wrong direction we need to take. My opinion is he is just like fuckhead Bush, a criminal… Throwing shoes will just lead to more bombs and bullets flying…
Cant we all just get along?
Peace out