Well, having several times attempted to try first year university courses in the slow, meandering path towards a possible degree one day, I now see why my mother waited until the kids had grown up to start hers: there’s no fucking time!
I recently dropped the only half-credit, one-night-a-week course in sociology. Perhaps, after having paid the requisite attention to work, family, hygiene, etc., I’ll now finally be able to start catching up on reading, music theory and guitar, HTML/CSS’ing, and, maybe (just maybe): Max/MSP tutorials!
Oh, yeah, and pecking out some thoughts a little less sporadically.
Let’s see how this goes.
Viewed: REC
Reading: 33.3: Wire Pink Flag
Listening: Fennesz/Daniell/Buck Knoxville
(Hat-tip/apologies to RR for the idea/reminder to post my recent media consumption again)