Sep 06

Who Knew?

Check out the “physicist” on the left in the photo from today’s headline story of The Onion.

I’ll wait.

I guess Paul Martin‘s moved on to bigger and better things since losing the January election and ditching the Liberal Party leadership role.

But _physicist?_

Aug 06

So long, summer…

From the Opinion Mill (via: WTF Is It Now??):

bq. Celebrating a heckuva job
End of summer got you down? Cheer up! It’s Bushtemberfest!

Bushtemberfest, or the Festival of Fatal Fuckups, will give GOP-weary Americans a chance to celebrate the non-accomplishments of George W. Bush, the first president to let one major American city be devastated by terrorists and allow another one to drown, all within the space of a few years.

The observance will start with the anniversary of the flooding of New Orleans and climax with the anniversary of the destruction of the World Trade Center, during which time we will pray — loudly and publicly — that no other disasters befall us while we await the blessed day that King George and his menagerie of religious hucksters, corporate bandits and ideological grifters get their eviction notice…

Aug 06


Aug 06

Yet another time waster

As cool as it is, you’ll click, click, click ’til you’ve bored yourself silly.

Aug 06

Yacht Rock!

Jebus on a sailboat! For all you 70s rock ‘n’ roll enthusiasts and trivia nerds, the greatest thing the internets has ever given us: Yacht Rock!

Betcha’ can’t watch just one smooth episode.