Aug 05

Now With Podcast

Until I get used to hearing the sound of my recorded voice, it’s all music for the time being.

First Podcast (30meg, 32mins)

If you want a track listing, get in touch.

Aug 05

CBC-related Stuff

Vancouver Podcast from Studio Zero (August 22, 2005). The weather report is fucking hilarious! Bill Richardson also hits the nail right on the head.

That morning show will be back on the air on Labour Day. Tune in.

Tod Maffin, who should one day be given the Order of Canada, has been running a whack of blogs and getting into the graphic design biz. His I Love Radio site is a must-visit.

The CBC Uplugged blog.

Keeping tabs via CBC On The Line.

CBC Negotiations.

Aug 05

We’re Still Just Dating

So, the CBC is coming into its third week of locking out its employees. THREE WEEKS, PEOPLE! The most contentious issue surrounding the labour dispute: employment status. I must admit that I’m not an avid watcher of CBC television, though the PVR has been set for Sunday nights to catch the Doctor Who re-runs all summer. For me, it’s radio – and quite dismal radio as of late.

Longtime “freelancers” that continually contribute to the fine radio programming which sets it far apart from the (cue deep, party-dude voice) rawk and/or so-called-alternative-mainstream radio or (cue Liza Gibbons) fluffy, dentist-office/office place radio haven’t much hope in sight of being granted permanent employment status, nor the fringe benefits that employees have access to. God knows what type of security newer, so-called “employees” have or will get.

For more information on the current situation, along with news, views, opinions and blog links, be sure to visit CBC On the Line regularly. For a poignant account of living from contract to contract be sure to read My Life as a CBC Freelancer by Philly Markowitz, host of Radio Two’s Roots and Wings, and then go tell your MPs, Heritage Minister and the Corporation’s Board of Directors just how annoyed you are.

Oh, and don’t forget to honk your horn as you drive by the picket lines. It’s gratifying for those on the line.

Aug 05

From the Mouths of Babes

We’re not a religious family, but I have to share an excerpt from a discussion yesterday evening between myself and my four-and-a-half year old, Elliot:

ME: Who’s God?

ELLIOT: The big talking computer on Futurama.

ME: Where does Jesus live?

ELLIOT: In England. In a house with number 62 on the door.

ME: ???

(fits of shits and giggles ensue)

If the boy was in Catholic school we’d definitely be getting a phonecall home.

Aug 05

Bob Moog

Bob Moog (1934 – 2005)
bob moog
Rest in Peace.