May 05

All in a Name II

ONE THING I HAVEN’T BEEN able to figure out as of late: all the visits to this site based on searching the word “gord” or “Gord”, depending on your style of surfing.

What does someone hope to find out by typing a single name into a search engine? Not to mention a very common name that doesn’t come with a lot of baggage or stigma, like say, Manson, Spiderman or Charo?

Apr 05

Ladies and Gentlemen…Johnny Bal-Co-Nee!!!

JUST A QUICK MOMENT AWAY from English Lit. studies to let y’all know that fellow Nadjiwan member and Lebagerine co-conspirator Adam Makarenko has recently launched his own website to showcase his photography ‘n’ stuff.

Tell him “hi” from us.

Apr 05

High Risk Population

No faith in science.

American science, that is.

Thanks for wasting your time here.

For everyone else: as you were.

Apr 05

For My Babe

ONCE AGAIN WE’VE HAD A BEAUTIFUL, sunny day for your birthday.

I hope the lottery ticket is a good one. =)

Apr 05

Again With the Site Facelift II

ONCE AGAIN I’VE DECIDED to tweak the CSS for this site and try out a new look. As someone who doesn’t work in the “biz” of designing websites, the three-column approach didn’t happen as easily as I’d expected. The bastard.

If this site’s layout looks like *total* shit to you, please drop me a line indicating which browser and platform you’re using. It’d be great if you could possibly provide a screenshot so’s to get an idea where some work may be needed.