Mar 05

Eye of the Beholder


The Big Media’s coverage.

Behind the scenes.

Hat tip: Brendan.

Mar 05

Tweaking and Gigging

I’M CURRENTLY IN THE PROCESS of tweaking the CSS for this site, so if things are looking outta whack, please drop me a line and lemme know what browser/platform you’re using. The validation turns up okay but the results do vary.

If you happen to be in downtown Toronto later this eve, pop by the Horseshoe Tavern at Queen + Spadina for the Nadjiwan CD release party. I believe we’ll be taking to the stage around midnight.

A’ight, it’s time to watch some Chappelle before heading out.

Mar 05

Music, Music, I Hear Music

WHAT BETTER WAY TO START your March break from school, work, etc., than to take in some great new music over at this week’s edition of The Brain. Have a look at my Tarwater and Boy In Static reviews and check out the sound samples while you’re at it. I believe Tarwater will be the band to watch for this year.

Mar 05

Bill Cameron

bill cameron

1943- 2005

Mar 05

Drive Yourself Batty

BRITAIN’S OLDEST SUNDAY PAPER, The Observer, launched its own weblog last week. In keeping with good ol’ time-wasting blogness, they’ve linked up to a name-that-group music quiz, which I strongly advise not to start on close to bedtime.

If you think you know pop music, give it a go and let ’em know your score.