Aug 08

I Am A 20th Century Highlander*

I'm (so far) a 20th Century Highlander

My wife sent me a link she found through a Flickr friend of hers (hey Steffe!), which was just too fun to pass on: Yearbook Yourself. I look quite dashing in the 1950s, non?

*The 1986 movie starring Christopher Lambert, not the Scottish resident.

Jul 08

Rust Never Sleeps


Well, we’re supposed to have had more rain this summer thus far than any other ENTIRE summer on record. I have not taken the scooter out once this week. I’m reminded this week of the old adage People in Vancouver Don’t Tan; They Rust.

Jul 08

Movies! Movies! (and, I forget the third part)

Since I am made of media, and a recent convert to WordPress, I’ve decided to follow the lead of my esteemed colleague (and fellow Local 154 Super Nerds member), James McNally, in adding Paul Goscicki’s WP Movie Ratings plug-in to help keep track of what I’ve watched.

So, yeah. I now have a Movies page on the go.

Also, be sure to check out Mr. McNally’s Toronto Screen Shots, since we’re talking about movies ‘n’ all.

Jul 08

Drinking the Kool-Aid

Powered by coffee

So, in addition to switching over to WordPress for a CMS, I’ve also recently swapped my RSS reader from that Canadian guy‘s app to NetNewsWire (I know, I know, I’m so out of the loop – but at least I’m aware that there is a loop), which then got me looking at Mars Edit as a new toy. This here is my first post using Mars Edit and, so far, I’m very much digging it and am really liking the Flickr integration, which saves having to upload a photo twice (go on, click the above pic).

I’m sure it’s just a matter of time until I start re-posting RSS feeds here. Sad, but I’m excited about feeds again.

And yes, that is how I spend my Saturday nights.

Jul 08

The End of the Week of teh Suck

lock red

Okay, glad the week is over.