November? Nothing like keeping a weblog as a reminder of just how busy you can get. At least the Handspring is somewhat up-to-date.
So, I’ve just about made the transition from the old 7600 to the G4, hence the lagging entries. A few minor adjustments and then it’s bye-bye old, hello new. I’ve finally decided it’s time to catch up with the rest of the wired population and have a CD burner installed since there’s enough space for it, make the move to OS 9 (easing my way up to X) and I’ve also picked up an optical wheel mouse. For you PC users, I know this isn’t a big deal. As a Mac user….what the hell am I supposed to do with this right click button now? Seriously, I’m quite familiar with Windows in the nine-to-five world, so it’s kinda weird that I’ve now got those extra shortcuts at my fingertips. Scrolling rocks. As for the burner, I’ve got piles of Zip100 discs lying around to start with.