Happy Birthday Dad!
As you can see from the picture adorning this page, I have recently acquired a new toy – the Canon Powershot S230. Holy shit, what a great little camera! First off, I’ve now made the leap from the Fujifilm Finepix 1300 (a 1.3 megapixel) to this little beauty that packs a cool 3.2 megapixels. It’s not very apparent in the picture on the this page as I’ve obviously turned the flash off for the mirror shot, but the details and crispness of the photos this thing takes are amazing. Sorry if I’m gushing – I have been using a lesser camera for almost two years now. Another great bonus is the ability to capture dot-avi movies at roughly fifteen frames per second, with pretty good sound for such a tiny, pinhole sized mircrophone built in. The amount of video depends on the memory card. I’ve taken some Elliot interview-type movies that have been about a minute each. 128meg card to now be added to the wishlist.
Our NYC friends Dave, Val and their son Nicolas are coming here for the holidays. We’re excited to finally meet Nico in person and let the boys hang out together. Elliot will probably introduce him to Bob the Builder as he has been a fave around here for quite some time now.