Oct 05

Drunk With Power?

Or just a fucking jerk.

rabinovitch fall

Oct 05

Again with the links list

Has David Mamet gone to the dogs?

I know it’s a rhetorical question, but are they fuckin’ crazy?

Two of the best movies I’ve seen lately: Hustle & Flow and A History of Violence.

Captain Jack gets his own show.

Aside from political science and linguistics – the next two books on my reading list.

When, oh when, does the Colbert RĂ©port come to Canadian airwaves?

Oct 05

Sylvian: New Look, New Project, New Single

Announced last week via his e-mail list, both David Sylvian‘s website as well as that of his label’s, SamadhiSound, have undergone some renovations for usability’s sake and now includes a download store.

Also announced was the new website for his latest project, which includes brother Steve Jansen and Burnt Friedman, entitled Nine Horses. Their Snow Borne Sorrow disc is due for release on October 17. In the meantime, an mp3 single of “Wonderful World” is available at the download store for a whopping 79p. And yes, it does include the artwork.

Oct 05

Blogwarming Gift

Andrew Potter, words-on-demand guy for the National Post, This Magazine and co-author of The Rebel Sell, is now running a companion site and weblog for his and Joe Heath’s book over at…you guessed it – Rebel Sell.

If you dig his stuff, I’d recommend that you bookmark his blog section or subscribe to his site’s RSS feed as updates are frequent.

(Disclosure: I made the site’s banner)

Oct 05

The Airwaves Shall Be Good Again

Well, after fifty-two days of non-management types hitting the bricks (the good and public face of the Corp.), it appears that the Canadian Media Guild and the CBC have finally signed an agreement to get staff back to work. Finally!

And yes, just to add fuel to the conspiracy theories, Hockey Night in Canada is set to go.

One of the best things I’d heard during the lockout, besides Toronto Unlocked over on CIUT for their brief stint, were a few re-runs of Art Levine’s great show, This is Art. He’s a super smart guy when it comes to ear-training, compositional theory, et al, presenting great show after great show over past summers. I’m hoping to hear more from him in the future, and not just to pad out repeat programs of interviews with Norman Jewison (which I’ve now heard three times) and that goddamned 50 Tracks gameshow.