Jun 05

No Drummer Jokes, Please

An article in The Times on the sex-for-gigs side of the classical music world made this drummer blush a little.

Please, no drummer jokes – at least the next little while. Let me enjoy this moment.

Jun 05

First Clue?

NOW THAT THE PRE-SUMMER HEATWAVE has broken, I can actually think without the brain swelling. I mean, come on, 39˚C with the humidex!?

Since today’s a more comfortable 14˚C, I decided that biking to the gym would be the way to go. First stop: pay some outstanding parking tickets at the local bank branch on the way.

So, there I am at the counter, helmet and windbreaker on (why bother taking all the gear off for a two minute errand?), water bottle and gloves on the counter, ready to pay the fines.

The young lady at the counter was training a new fellow, perhaps a summer student, and the attempt to make small talk as her protégé was debiting my account was “Going biking?”

I behaved myself accordingly.

Jun 05

A prick, arrogant and ugly!

BESIDES THE BEATLES, BEACH BOYS AND THE STONES, one of my earlier memories from the mid-70s of favourite bands was KISS: rock ‘n’ roll sing-a-longs (ie. “Shout It Out Loud”), painted-face alter-egos, far-out costumes, fire-breathing and cool explosions. Although it’s kinda cool to have seen the band’s longevity through several line-up changes, the ever-present four-stringed-muthafucka probably should stay out of the educational system and go back to living the life of his flagrant cartoon character.

Christ almighty!

Jun 05

Everything Good For Steven Is Good For Us All

SCIENCE/CULTURE WRITER, STEVEN JOHNSON, will be the guest on this evening’s Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Mr. Johnson’s new book, Everything Bad is Good For You, is a great take on how today’s popular culture, compared to, say, that of twenty years ago, is actually making us smarter. I won’t say much more – just buy the damn book already!

Jun 05

Slowmotionlandscape meets Prekop

Food for your eyes.