Dec 04

My Year of Music

The not-really-but-kinda-obligatory year end list (in no particular order):

* Lali Puna – Faking the Books
* Tortoise – It’s All Around You
* all the Arthur Russell stuff
* Mice Parade – Obrigado Saudade
* clouddead – ten
* The Absurd Nightclub Comedy of Eugene Mirman
* Trapist – Ballroom
* !!! – Louden Up Now
* Trans Am – Liberation
* Chicago Underground Trio – Slon
* The Ex – Turn
* Iron & Wine – Our Endless Numbered Days
* Lars Horntveth – Pooka
* The Fucking Am
* David Cross – It’s Not Funny
* To Rococo Rot – Hotel Morgen
* Fennesz – Venice
* Jaga Jazzist – Day EP
* Radian – Juxtaposition

Happy and safe New Year to all.

Dec 04

New Year’s Resolution in the Works

FOUR YEAR OLD: Dad, why’s your stomach so big?

‘Nuff said.

Dec 04

Fun With Balloons

1. Tie balloons to car.

2. Drive like a bat out of hell.

3. Watch everyone freak out.

balloon photo

Thanks to the sis-in-law for this one!

Dec 04

If There Really is a Santa Claus*…

…he’d buy me this for Christmas. I’ve been better this year than in years past. Truly, I have.

*Note: It could be any overly generous heart, really.

Dec 04

Funny, I DO Feel Flu-ish

AFTER ALL THE SCARE-MONGERING IN THE MEDIA, the inescapable advertisements, the disapproval and clucking tongues of those that have gone forth long before, I finally decided to get a flu shot. Mind you, it was on a whim as I happened to be parked in front of a medical clinic that happened to have an 8.5 x 11 Word printout, something like “Flu Shots Here” taped up in the window. Working in an office environment, having a young son and a wife that teaches Kindergarten, it seemed like the responsible thing to do. Afterwards, I arrived back at the car to find a $20 parking ticket, having overstayed my welcome on Queen West. A small price to pay for good health and piece of mind.

Of course, with the flu shot now comes…wait for it…the flu.

Funny that.