Oct 04

Redundancy Department of Redundancy

I don’t believe there’s any more to say than what’s already been said. Repeatedly.

On a slightly more serious note, for those that we’re amazed to hear a list of foreign leader’s names correctly pronounced in last week’s debate, this may offer some insight.

Oct 04

All in a Name

MY WIFE CAME UP WITH THIS ONE a few years back: Why is it that with the name Robert you can be called Rob or Bob, yet there’s no such name Bobert?

Any ideas?

Oct 04

Best. Cartoon. This. Week.

A FEW WEEKS BACK I DECIDED that I’d had it with dealing with styling my hair. I have naturally thick and curly hair which is, despite what any woman says, a curse. I’ve grown it out a few times in my life and cannot be arsed with going through the in-between stage of short and long. I’ve kept it very short for the last few years, but always relied on gel to keep from looking like a ginger Q-Tip.

The wife bought me a set of clippers (at my asking) and now assists in maintaining a style so short that it isn’t really a style (which is the style nowadays). The first day landed some friendly jeers at a party. This past weekend the term “Gordski Beat” popped up in a goofy group discussion. Both the group and discussion were goofy. I’d been called “Bronski Beat” by a neighbourhood tool when I first shaved my head as a punk rocker at 16 and hung around and smoked cigarettes with the mohawk’d gang at the local McDonald’s. Anyways, upon the group explaining the video for “Smalltown Boy” to our friend Matt, who would’ve been too young to have seen/heard it on MuchMusic or any other video show back in the day, the teasing ended up being directed elsewhere. With a finger on his writing hand heavily bandaged due to a carpentry injury, Matt put pen to paper and created the masterpiece I give to you now.
matt's doodle

_Matt from Toronto, age 26, wins a Sun toque!_

Oct 04

New Lebadgerine Track

IT TURNS OUT THAT WE’VE NO LONGER a space between “Le” and “Badgerine” when it comes to semantics. There’s also a new and full track (2 meg.) for your listening pleasure.


Oct 04

True Patriot (Act) Love II

WHAT I’D LIKE TO KNOW is why wasn’t a story that will affect so many Canadians splashed across the front page with the other headlines? It wasn’t even on the front page of the business section. The article quotes NDP MP Brian Masse as saying “Canada’s complacency could now lead to privacy violations.” Does the media not play a part in disseminating such politically-charged information? Did anyone know this was happening? Did you know it was happening before reading this?