Sep 04

How I Came to Find Myself in MS4171 on a Beautiful September Night

THERE’S THE OLD JOKE THAT UNIVERSITY is where you go to get an education; college is where you go to get a job. I think I heard that one from a fellow civil servant that went to the former. I went straight into the workforce from high school with the intent of saving up some money, taking some time off from academia and basically figure out just what the hell I wanted to be when I grew up.

Fifteen years later, I’m still a civil servant (hey, it’s a steady gig with benefits). I’m married with a child and a mortgage. I still have lofty aspirations of someday becoming a journalist, a music critic with a musician’s insight, or maybe even having a show on the CBC – radio, that is. Basically, I still don’t REALLY know what I want to be when I grow up. That is, now that I am grown up.

For about the last ten years, I’ve gone about educating myself in the areas that I’m passionate about. It just so happens, being a musician, that they happen to be in the arts. I read a fair amount and tend to investigate a lot of facets stemming from particular interests. Literature was something I always wished I had more knowledge and understanding of, as to broaden the artistic pallet. From that, I imagine I’d become a lot better when it comes to fashioning ideas and communicating them, both oral and written. Over the past three years I have been contributing music reviews to a fairly popular U.S. based web ‘zine that covers strictly independent music. My writing skills haven’t improved in the leaps and bounds one would have expected by now, but I’m working on it.

This past year, I watched my 60 year old mother, who had gone through U of T’s Pre-University program in the late 80s, collect her PhD in sociology. I tease her that most people her age are retiring while she’s now looking for a job. My wife went to OISE last year and added a teaching certificate to her B.A. Although I was only a witness to these accomplishments, I was inspired.

I made a last minute decision in late August to try getting in to the Academic Bridging program, seeing as that my institutional education had stopped at Grade 12.

As far as the whole university vs. college debate goes, I have a job that somehow become a career. I’d now like to have a post-secondary education to start filling in the cracks of the school of life.

My first night in MS4171 was my 15th anniversary as a civil servant. The same day, my three-and-a-half year old son started kindergarten. If there’s any symbolism there, I’ll hopefully have a better understanding of it by the end of this course. At the rate I’ve been going, my son and I just might graduate from U of T on the same day.

Sep 04

Elsewhere This Week

I’VE GOT A COUPLE OF REVIEWS happening this week of the somewhat recent release from the Two Lone Swordsmen and über-metal outfit The Fucking Am over at The Brain. Just so’s ya know.

Sorry to those unable to access this site earlier today. We’re here now, baby.

I’ve arrived late to the table on this one, but I’ve recently become quite smitten with Yo La Tengo’s Summer Sun and find myself hitting the back button for tracks five and six.

Literature and photography classes are happening in addition to the regular goings on. I still haven’t caught up on this past weekend’s lost sleep and can’t finish this post properly. To paraphrase a colleague, I’ll owe you a witticism.

Sep 04

The Clark

WHAT BETTER WAY TO CELEBRATE the release of your new CD than to throw a release party/gig and have your website re-launch. If you’re in the greater Toronto area on Thursday September 16 (tomorrow), c’mon down to Holy Joe’s at the corner of Queen and Bathurst to see the Clark Institute LIVE.

I’ll be the guy behind the drums.

Sep 04

Music and Movie Reviews

IN CASE YOU’RE LOOKING for something to spend your leftover back-to-school cash on in the way of CDs or DVDs (or both), why not check out this week’s edition of The Brain to give ya some ideas?

Sep 04

Way Post-Secondary Education

FIFTEEN YEARS AFTER GRADUATING from high school, I’ve been thinking about academics again. Not that I’d stopped thinking about it – just never seriously until recently. In the past year, I watched my wife add a certificate from Teacher’s College to her B.A. and go on to get hired with a school board. Another big inspiration was my Mom getting her PhD this past spring, having just turned (number omitted as not to be removed from the family will) years old.

After hemming and hawing all summer – waiting until the last minute to apply only to be advised that it wouldn’t be happening until 2005 at the earliest – I received a call yesterday from the good folks at the University of Toronto’s Woodsworth College letting me know that due to some last minute changes, I would be able to attend my first choice evening course starting this coming Monday.

Monday is Elliot’s first day of kindergarten. It’s also my fifteen year anniversary with the same employer, where I thought I’d be working for just a year before going on to a post-secondary education. As you can tell, I haven’t exactly been rushing to get a degree.

I’ll leave you to extract your own symbolisms (if any). I’m bummed about missing frosh week.