Mar 11

The Year of Reinventing Myself


I turned 40 last summer. It wasn’t as big a deal as I thought it would be. The weirdest thing a few months later was thinking to myself how I’d now outlived John Lennon. Yeah, I know. I’m such a deep fellow.

I’d been running for a couple of years, mostly since giving up my gym membership for the great outdoors (okay – PAVED outdoors). A few months before I hit my “milestone” birthday, I’d switched from wearing running shoes to Vibram Five Fingers, which, naturally, changed the way that I ran. I’ll not get into the whole biomechanics stuff (there’s piles of that stuff available online). I did, however, notice that any knee pain after longer runs (10K+) had disappeared. In the latter part of the summer, I kicked off the footwear and began running completely barefoot until I’d gradually built up enough padding to run 10K unshod. That was kinda cool. During the winter months, I’d been holed up indoors more that I cared for on account of trying to balance work/home/school/family life. Needless to say, I’ll be starting from scratch once the weather warms up.

As I wasn’t being too active, burning bunches of calories, etc., I got myself a 35lb kettlebell to do some two-handed swinging. Any regular gym-goer will expound on the virtues of building muscle to burn calories (even while you’re loafing about). I wanted to get back into that discipline. Just before the Christmas season, I started getting more serious about the kettlebell and checked out books and articles by the training master: Pavel Tsatsouline. After reading about another serious kettlebell’r, Tracy Reifkind, and her routine, I got myself a GymBoss timer for intervals. I’m still trying to figure out a good routine for myself, but 20 minutes (off and on) of two-handed swings thrice weekly is kicking my ass just fine, thank you.

I’m sure I’d read somewhere that losing weight falls under the ol’ 80/20 paradigm. 80% of weight loss is due to eating better/right; the other 20% is exercise. I’d dabbled in GI and ABS diets over the years to little or no avail. Since I was falling into a good exercise routine, it was time to fix the biggest component of my life: FOOD! I’ve never been 100% vegetarian, though I hated eating meat when I was growing up, not because I had “morals”; I just hated the taste and texture. The only exception had been chicken (when battered, breaded, fried, etc.). I never went for tofu or any alternatives (I didn’t even TRY tofu until I was in my early 30s). I’d never been a regular salad-eating-kinda-fellow and tended to pile on the carbohydrates WAY too regularly. I’d lived on pizza, chicken fingers and wings, grilled cheese, burritos, veggie burgers and subs for far too long. Since I was changing a lot of basics in my life, I needed to change the most basic. This coincided with looking seriously into the book and philosophy of a gentleman called Ori Hofmekler and The Warrior Diet, which is generally based around eating foods like light protein, fruits, vegetables, nuts, yoghurt during the day, and a large meal in the evening. I’d probably eaten only a few spoonfuls of yoghurt in my life. It’s now a near-daily part of my eating, along with raw almonds, blueberries and raspberries, along with a protein shake. I’ve even been drinking my coffee black for about three weeks now and don’t miss the cream or half-and-half.

I’d given serious consideration and, after examining my diet long and hard, especially over the amount of “dead” or processed foods I’d consumed, decided that, in addition to all of the other changes I was making to my life, I would switch to a vegetarian diet. Just because I hadn’t been eating meat regularly didn’t mean I’d been vegetarian, on account of there being very little vegetables or “live” foods in my diet. I used to joke about being a Pastafarian when I was a teenager; either that or a breadetarian.

So, if you’ve got any must-have recommendations for cookbooks, websites, etc., let’s have ‘em!

In keeping with my ongoing pursuit of self-improvement, the other big facet of my life that is also being quietly worked on is the other four-lettered word: budget (okay, six-lettered). If you’re like me, I’d recommend starting with J.D. Roth’s Your Money: The Missing Manual and his site: Get Rich Slowly. I haven’t spent nearly as much time as I’d like with either of them, though I am trying.

Oh man, am I trying.

Feb 11

(Trying to) Get it Together

In the fall of 2010 I decided that it was time to make time to chip away at that whole post-secondary education thing (no, just undergrad). I successfully made it through a term-length intro to sociology (while working fulltime and juggling family life) and recently started in with urban geography. As you can appreciate: busy, busy.

Since switching last spring to running while wearing Vibram Five Fingers, Luna sandals and (ultimately) going barefoot, I noticed considerable changes in my body make up, weight and reduced injuries in some areas; new injuries in others. With the *fucking cold* weather of late, I’ve not been out running as much. I did get out there a couple of times since Christmas, and, recently, started using a Seiko clip-on metronome to assist with getting a good 180 steps per minute. THAT is really cool and a lot of fun. I’m hoping to do a few competitive 5K’ers this spring barefoot.

So, with the lack of outdoor activity happening for me, and not having set foot in a gym for a couple of years, I needed to do SOMEthing to keep physically active. The exercise du jour: kettlebell. I started with a small 20lb bell early in the fall and quickly switched up to the beginning gentleman’s 35lb bell. I’m working my way through the week with two-handed and singled-handed swings and am gradually working my way up to cleans and snatches. No plans on RKC’ing.

Again with keeping active during the winter months, I picked up a pair of goggles over the Christmas holidays and started swimming twice a week. Other than slipping into the local pool with the kids for swimming lessons, I hadn’t swum in yeeeears. I nearly fell over after my first half-hour routine of swimming a bastardized breaststroke.

As I persist with work, school, family, exercise, leisure, etc. I hope to keep this site a little more active other than just posting Instagram pics.

Jan 11

Leisure is a Lot of Work

To be Toon Painted (some day)

I don’t remember where I cribbed the title of this post from, but it pretty much sums up my life (that and “I am made of media”, which I *know* I cribbed from Mark Leyner.

Once I’m adjusted to the current school term, I do plan on sitting down to devour a year’s worth of The Wire and three or four month’s worth of Harper’s.

Plus, I’ll start spouting off about stuff and things.

Dec 10



Nov 10

