Feb 11

(Trying to) Get it Together

In the fall of 2010 I decided that it was time to make time to chip away at that whole post-secondary education thing (no, just undergrad). I successfully made it through a term-length intro to sociology (while working fulltime and juggling family life) and recently started in with urban geography. As you can appreciate: busy, busy.

Since switching last spring to running while wearing Vibram Five Fingers, Luna sandals and (ultimately) going barefoot, I noticed considerable changes in my body make up, weight and reduced injuries in some areas; new injuries in others. With the *fucking cold* weather of late, I’ve not been out running as much. I did get out there a couple of times since Christmas, and, recently, started using a Seiko clip-on metronome to assist with getting a good 180 steps per minute. THAT is really cool and a lot of fun. I’m hoping to do a few competitive 5K’ers this spring barefoot.

So, with the lack of outdoor activity happening for me, and not having set foot in a gym for a couple of years, I needed to do SOMEthing to keep physically active. The exercise du jour: kettlebell. I started with a small 20lb bell early in the fall and quickly switched up to the beginning gentleman’s 35lb bell. I’m working my way through the week with two-handed and singled-handed swings and am gradually working my way up to cleans and snatches. No plans on RKC’ing.

Again with keeping active during the winter months, I picked up a pair of goggles over the Christmas holidays and started swimming twice a week. Other than slipping into the local pool with the kids for swimming lessons, I hadn’t swum in yeeeears. I nearly fell over after my first half-hour routine of swimming a bastardized breaststroke.

As I persist with work, school, family, exercise, leisure, etc. I hope to keep this site a little more active other than just posting Instagram pics.

Jun 10



Mar 10


My weekend is slipping away

One of the things that I wanted to do as a New Year’s resolution was get back to playing the piano. By “piano”, I mean, some form of keyboard; I’ve neither the money or the space for an actual piano at this stage in my life. At one point in my mid-20s I was taking piano lessons while I had a Fender Rhodes in our 650 square-foot apartment, learning simple jazz standards and trying to not be such a drummer stereotype. During December 2009, I’d been eyeing a chepo-o Casio at the local Toys R Us on while shopping for the boy’s birthday presents and the kids’ Christmas presents. At $100, I couldn’t really go wrong if it turned out that I was far too busy to stick with the notion of playing again.
During the pre-Christmas run up, I’d been walking along Queen St. West when I happened upon a fairly new storefront: The Toronto Institute for the Enjoyment of Music; music lessons offered. In the back of my mind, I was going to visit this place early in the New Year.

So, I bought the keyboard and signed up for lessons. After about six weeks now, things are starting to happen again. I’m falling back into thinking about scales, modes, fingering exercises, etc.

My other new year’s resolutions included doing one Max/MSP tutorial a day (soon, soon); reading all of the Marshall McLuhan I can mentally digest; start learning French (I say “start learning” as I’ve never been fluent past elementary school); enroll back at the University of Toronto this summer; get down to my ideal weight by June (a milestone birthday coming); WRITE!

We shall see.

Jul 09

In the NeighboUrhood

In the neighboUrhood

Jun 09

