One of my fave tunes over the past year.
Jul 06
Segway at the Science Centre
We took a family trip to the Science Centre this afternoon, just ‘cuz. The last time we’d been was January/February when the Body Worlds exhibit was winding down and the place was a madhouse. Today was fairly quiet in comparison. As we were heading up to the main level, I saw an employee (you can’t miss them in their white lab coats) buzzing around on a Segway. Having only seen one in Toronto once (some suit on Bay Street) I’m sure my eyes lit up as she asked if I wanted to give it a try. After a 30 second instructional course, I was on my way.
And yes, those are fuzzy dice.
Jun 06
An Inconvenient Truth
Rumour has it that Futurama will be back in 2008. I wonder who’ll be running for president then. Or who the running mate’ll be?
You Tube so rocks.
Jun 06
When I Close My Eyes at Night, They All Fall Into Place
I’ve been playing more than my fair share of Brain Age and Tetris over the past week of owning the DS Lite. Once in a while, I’ll switch from staring at its screen to basking in the late night blue glow of Garage Band.
A comment I’d made on one of Ben Brown’s photos (he of internet rockstar and Consumating fame) prompted a response that inspired the title of my latest musical noodling: