Aug 05

How to Get Ahead with Summer Radio Programming

As summer goes and messes up regular schedules of just about everything, why should radio go unscathed? CBC Radio One has had a bunch of new/filler/trial shows running for a bunch of weeks now, usually in the evenings, when I rarely listen to radio, or have classes.

This morning, I finally got to hear the program that Laurel’s been raving about lately: O’Reilly On Advertising. Hosted by advertising guru, Terry O’Reilly, and co-written by DNTO contributor and fellow ad-guy, Mike Tennant, the programs serves as a bevy of factoids in the history of advertising presented in a slick and humourous fashion with some great behind-the-scenes storytelling. Along with night classes in mythology, this program shall quickly become my “other” summer course, seeing as it’s “a great weekly source of Media Literacy.”

Aug 05

Sounds Section

With all the fun I’ve been and will be having with GarageBand, I’ve decided to add a home for the tracks to live in.

As you were.

Jul 05

Garage Days

After a week of play, I now present my first mp3 offerings created in GarageBand:

Garbage Juice


Your two cents are most welcomed and appreciated.

Jul 05

Tiger, Tiger

My recent procurement of a new PowerBook has begun my initiation to the new and exciting world of Tiger.

After the whole “holy shit, this wee monitor is sharp and may take some getting used to” first impressions, the only new feature that I’ve made time to play with so far are the widgets. Other than the local weather, the coolest widget I’ve found so far is Brian Eno’s Oblique Strategies, which I’m sure has been the source for the daily Disinfo newsletter.

Over the next while I’ll be moving stuff from the desktop box, hopefully without too much hassle, setting up the Airport Extreme base station and, of course, mucking about with GarageBand.

Possible mp3s in the future.

Jul 05

All in the Timing

Dear Mr. Bush,


Don’t fuck this one up.

You have more pressing matters to attend to, non?
