Feb 05

PVR, School, Web Stuff and the Car

BEING A READER OF A LOT OF AMERICAN BLOGS, I’ve been jealous of TiVo only being available south of the border. That is, until the communications empire known as Rogers (you know – the new SkyDome person/people) started offering PVR capability as part of their digital cable service. That, and the fact that digital cable is currently half-price for the next two months. I decided to give it a go, PVR and all. The only thing I’ll say now is that I’m getting my money’s worth, catching ALL the programs I wasn’t watching before. That, and I’ve now introduced Spongebob Squarepants into the home, two or three times a day!

School is still enjoyable – motivational and inspirational. If I were to win the lottery, I’d give serious consideration to attending university fulltime. Oh, and with a kick-ass TiBook, of course. Class is done in two months, at which point I’ll have to give serious consideration as to taking a summer course. Time and money permitting.

A photography/modern art website that I’ve been working on over the past month from scratch is just about done and should be launching shortly. Watch this space for more details. I’ve now decided that CSS is my new best friend and toy.

The old VW bit the dust at work this week. I vowed that after having to borrow cash just after Christmas to fix it, the next time it crapped out would be the last. I was not going to sink another dime, outside of oil changes, into the bastard. Wouldn’t you know, I haven’t started paying back the loan to have it fixed. That’s telling ya something. I’ll now be catching up on my reading and music listening as I ride the bus to work in the morning.

UPDATE: My review of Jeff Parker’s new disc can be found over at this week’s edition of The Brain.

Jan 05

The Week in Links

ANOTHER WIND-CHILLED, WAY SUB ZERO DAY in which the fuckin’ car wouldn’t start. The third time in almost as many weeks and another $40 cab ride to work. The boy sat patiently in his seat while I tried starting the car until the battery was drained, commenting that the car sounded like badgerbadgerbadger. The funny boy.

The other g-d amazing line of the day from my pal Brendan at work. We’re in the office cafeteria enjoying morning coffee; me stuffing a creme-centered fake’n’cake into my face. As another co-worker comments on the garbage I’m eating, without missing a beat, he shouts out “Take that, metabolism!” I nearly choked from laughter.

Over at Brainwashed, Jon’s got a new announcement sign-up list to keep ya interested in Brainwashed and Brainwashed-type things in the know. That, and the splash page now centers in Safari!

My bro’s got things pretty happening with his Township Expansion project and has even received a nod from one-time Toronto Sun music columnist and Eye Weekly contributor, John Sakamoto. Dude.

The video, photography and other artistic talents of Mike Nowland just keep getting cooler over at his Slowmotionlandscape. If you happen over, tell him we say “hi.”

Family Guy is back real soon-like! At least Fox is good for something positive these days – besides the Simpsons, of course.

More overtime to work and essays to write.

Jan 05

Again With the Site Facelift

THEY SAY THAT YOU TEND TO GROW BORED with the design/layout of your site long before any of your viewers do. Agreed. After all the time and thought put into to it, long before anyone else sees it, I suppose it would only be natural.

In keeping with learning some more about CSS, I ended up tooling about with this site’s layout ‘n’ stuff.

I hope it’s not too unpleasant for you.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to really get a footer to work without changing this site’s style sheet drastically, lemme know.

Jan 05

New Year, New Feature

HAVING GOTTEN INTO USING AN RSS READER on a daily basis, it would only be a matter of time before I got ’round to figuring out how to add a feed from this site.

I may have just done it.

Jan 05

Miksang dot org

OVER THE PAST FEW WEEKS I HAVE been busy with the designing, coding, validation, etc. for the new home on the web for the Toronto chapter of the Miksang Society for Contemplative Photography.

I hope that you’ll enjoy the images you see and appreciate the approach to this unique style of photography.

Feel free to report any bugs you encounter to yours truly.