Nov 04

One Class Act

I WAS QUITE SURPRISED AND SOMEWHAT DISAPPOINTED to hear mid-morning that Kerry was conceding to the other guy. After all, his running mate had made mention of it not being that big of a deal to wait one more night after enduring the last four years. For a guy that seemed so determined to fight the good fight, which was desperately needed, my reaction was one of WTF?

Even with it being “too close to call” (fuckin’ network television and its buzzwords), I would have imagined that Kerry would have let the other guy stew, wondering if he might have actually won the election this time.

Having read the opening few paragraphs of the speech Kerry gave this afternoon, I’ve come to the conclusion that he is one classy guy. Of course, it’s expected that at the end of such a high profile race one must accept defeat gracefully, though I don’t believe he was defeated. The man cares too much for his country. America has defeated itself and will come to realize this over the next four years. Unfortunately, for now, the rest of the world can only watch.

Even after a late night and being awakened several times by our sick, coughing and crying boy, an early start to work and now laying off the sugar snacks after finally accepting a steady and noticeable weight gain, I’m so wanting to stay up this evening to watch The Daily Show. Their job may have just gotten a bit easier for the time being.

Oct 04

John Peel

john peel
John Peel.  1939 – 2004.

Oct 04

NyQuil™, Take Me Away…

I HONESTLY CAN NOT REMEMBER the last time I was awakened in the middle of the night (2:30am) to a coughing fit of my own. No, really. I can’t. Frankly, it went on so long that I was beginning to get a wee bit scared. Glass of water (cough, hack), mug of hot water (wheez, hack, cough, cough), quick, hot shower (hack, hack, COUGH COUGH) – aahhhh NyQuil. Screw the waiver/warning label – I need this shit NOW! (whheeeeezzzzz).

Oh, and I’ve also got some reviews for this week over at the Brain.

Spread the love.

Happy belated b-day, Cleo.

Oct 04

Memory Lane

FOR THOSE OF YOU OUT THERE that actually read this stuff, you’ll know that I decided late summer to go back to school and start seriously pursuing a post-secondary education.

After a few weeks of classes, a “new” girl turned up that looked all too familiar. As it turns out, she and I had gone to elementary school and part of high school together and had been friendly back in the day. We’re talking, like, over eighteen years since we’d seen each other. Key-rist.

We get to talkin’ during a break in class, asking about so-and-so, whats-his/her-face, etc. – faces and names I haven’t thought about in years.

A couple o’ co-workers of mine had mentioned signing up at classmates.com, just ‘cuz. After all the strolling down memory lane as of late, I’ve recently done the same. I’ve never been one to keep in touch with people from days of old, although I’m tempted to sign up for the full package in order to drop a few “hellos” to some people and see what’s up.

Oct 04

Monday, Monday

TO FOLLOW UP ON YESTERDAY’S SCUFFLE with the flu: a hot bath, a farily good night’s rest, Dimetapp and a bit of vacation time from work later – things are much better again.

Right this way for the obligatory link to this week’s issue of The Brain.

Favourite line so far from The Great Gatsby:

It is invariably saddening to look through new eyes at things upon which you have expended your own powers of adjustment.

I’ve even gone as far as renting the A&E version starring the lovely Mira Sorvino. ‘Twas the first version I found at Queen Video.

Adam’s got a Lebadgerine shingle happening which includes a 10meg mp3 from the last session at his place. Dig those Alesis drum sounds circa. 1989!