Aug 04

With Friends Like These…

JUST TO GIVE Y’ALL SOME IDEA of what _bad parents_ we are, here’s a response we _accidentally_ received to an e-mail we’d sent to family and friends to touch base and show off some photos of the boy. Some people still don’t know their way around a simple email program. Since it’s obvious that we weren’t intended to see this, there’s no point closing the stable door after the horse has run out.

bq. we have somehow made it back onto laurel’s e-mail distribution list, or at least i did. if you have a spare minute, take a look at the pix she just uploaded. first pic in the series (there’s 3 of them) shows how not-cute elliot is with a huge scar across his nose.

not sure how i feel about making it back onto the list.

hmmmm … wonder how they’d feel about getting a babysitting call. then again, look at elliot’s pic. maybe it’s not such a good idea to call them for babysitting.

The “_huge scar across his nose_” refers to a gash the boy got on his head back in February when he slipped on some ice in the neighbourhood park while he was _playing_. You know, like three year olds are supposed to. Like most cuts, they scab and heal without a trace, just as his did.

You don’t want to hear from us? Just say so.

See you next Tuesday.

Aug 04

Hitting the Trails

WHAT BETTER WAY TO ENJOY a sunny Sunday afternoon than to pack a picnic, hop on the bikes and check out the Humber Trails. Neither the wife nor I had been very far on them; the boy – not at all. It became our little family biking exploration that went on for hours. We eventually made it back down to the lake for the final stretch. Photos are available.

Also, go check out Mike Nowland’s Slowmotionlandscape for some really cool photography, including some new stuff from the Jaga Jazzist show here in Toronto a few weeks back. Don’t forget to sign up for his weekly tech-related emails.

To follow-up from yesterday, the archive page is nearly complete. Mmwhahaa!

Jul 04

Kicking Clutter’s Ass

SEEING AS IT’S THE END OF THE MONTH and I’ve been wanting to have a proper archives pages for some time, I finally sat down and went nose to nose with the CMS that keeps this site in order.


After sifting through some posts from the fine folks over at the Textpattern forum, setting up some messy URLs, page templates, forms and a couple of cans of iced tea later, there’s now a proper archives page for you to dig through. I may even go back to Day One of this website and bring all non-Textpattern posts aboard, seeing as they’re currently not available to you (I know, the nerve). A hat-tip to the Daring Fireball for the general layout idea. Screw trying to organize posts by month – my brain and bladder can only hold so much.

With this new-found know-how, I couldn’t just stop there. I had to re-do all the now former HTML pages with in-house templates, forms, messy URLs etc., just to keep things nice and manageable.

Don’t get me started on the photos page.

On a lighter, though still somewhat geeky note: in between trips to the fridge for beverages, I noticed that the boy is watching re-re-re-runs of the old Spiderman cartoons that I used to watch at his age on Saturday mornings. I’ll probably just wait for him to pick up the newly released DVD of that series.

Jul 04

I’m Now a Card-Carrying Member

IT ARRIVED in the mail yesterday.

daring fireball t-shirt

You may have missed out on landing a nifty Daring Fireball t-shirt, but don’t let that stop you from showing your support.

UPDATE: Apostrophes in post titles have now been corrected so as not to look like foot markings.

I know, like you really cared.

Jul 04

Climbing the Charts

I TEND TO CHECK MY REFERRER STATS quite regularly and have noticed a bit of traffic based on a first name search. At the moment, my site has entered the top ten results for the word “gord” on Google. My friend Val once said that she thought “Gord” was the most Canadian of names. In the top ten is another Canadian Gord who, well, you can go see for yourself.